-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Document: THPSHD Guide Game: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD Platform: Playstation 3 / Xbox360 Developer: Robomodo Publisher: Activision Author: Slateman (slateman@godflesh.com) Version: 1.0 Date: September 1st, 2012 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Table Of Contents ----------------- 1: About 2: Game Details 2a: Game History 2b: Game Comparison 2c: Console Comparison 3: Career Mode Guides 3a: Warehouse 3b: School II 3c: Hangar 3d: Mall 3e: Venice Beach 3f: Downhill Jam 3g: Marseille 4: Big Head Survival Overview 5: Trophies & Achievements 6: Cheats & Unlockables 6a: Cheats 6b: Unlockables 7: Credits 8: Legal Stuff -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Revision Notes -------------- 1.0 First document -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1: About =-=-=-=-=-=- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD is the visual upgrade of the first two Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games from 1999 and 2000. These two games changed the face of gaming and sold millions of copies appearing on countless platforms. THPSHD culls seven levels from those two games and pulls a handful of skaters and songs as well. The soundtrack is updated as is the character list and only features from those two games appear in THPSHD. THPSHD will receive DLC in the form of THPS3 levels/modes. I look forward to this, though no release date is known yet. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2: Game Details =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This will detail the game, its history and the different versions released. 2a: Game History =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Since appearing in 1999 on the Sony Playstation, there have been no fewer than 85 different iterations of the Hawk brand. 22 developers have made a Hawk game and they've appeared on 20 different platforms. It is safe to say it has been a lucrative venture for Activision. I wrote a long history detailing the early games in the series in 2004. Feel free to visit here: http://planettonyhawk.gamespy.com/static.php?page=Hawk_History I will use acronyms throughout. Let's see what they are: THPS Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (4 games) THUG Tony Hawk's Underground (2 games) THAW Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (Sk8land on handhelds) THP8 Tony Hawk's Project 8 THPG Tony Hawk's Proving Ground 2b: Game Comparison =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THPSHD takes what was deemed the best from each of the first two games. Here is a bare-bones overview of what's what and where it came from. From THPS Level: Warehouse Level: Mall Level: Downhill Jam Skater: Tony Hawk Skater: Andrew Reynolds Feature: Special Meter & Special Tricks Music: 1 song From THPS2 Level: School II Level: Hangar Level: Venice Beach Level: Marseille Skater: Rodney Mullen Skater: Eric Koston Feature: Sloppy Landing Modifier Feature: Big Drop Feature: Manuals Feature: Double Tap Moves Music: 6 songs New Additions: Skater: Lyn-Z Adams Hawkins Pastrana (first in THP8) Skater: Nyjah Huston (first in THPG) Skater: Chris Cole Skater: Riley Hawk (Tony Hawk's oldest son) Music: 7 new songs 2c: Console Comparison =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Xbox360 version of THPSHD was released digitally on July 18th, 2012 and the PS3 version was issued a month later, on August 28th. The two versions are essentially identical, however there are differences. PS3 Enable/Disable Facebook Integration 720p output Xbox360 Achievements & Exit options from main menu Ability to skate as your avatar. 1080p output -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3: Career Mode Guides =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here we'll look at all the levels, their hidden areas, level guides and projectives guides. There are seven levels in THPSHD and you will need to complete objectives to unlock them all. Warehouse Unlocked initially School II Complete 4 goals in Warehouse to unlock The Hangar Complete 4 goals in School II to unlock Mall Complete 5 goals in The Hangar to unlock Venice Beach Complete 5 goals in Mall to unlock Downhill Jam Complete 6 goals in Venice to unlock Marseille Complete 6 goals in Downhill Jam to unlock 3a: Warehouse Guide =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The iconic level from the first THPS, this was revisited in some versions of THPS2 and THPS3, then later came back expanded and renamed in THUG as Training. The level itself is small but features everything that fans loved about the Hawk games. Big airs, some nice grind lines and let's not forget the infamous Holy Shi_ transfer (renamed to Holy Cow on the N64 but it retains its name for this game!) Let's see the regular objectives first. Warehouse Objectives -------------------- High Score (10,000) $100 Pro Score (25,000) $200 Sick Score (75,000) $500 Find The Secret DVD $150 Collect S-K-A-T-E $150 Collect 5 Shipping Manifests $250 Grind 5 Small QPs $150 Kickflip Over The Pipe $150 Smash 5 Sets Of Boxes $150 100% Goals And Cash $200 High Scores ----------- If you're having problems with the high scores, jump back out of the game and up your stats a little bit. Get yourself an easily-executed special grind trick (up-down + grind will help) and grind the whole back wall, ollie out and do some manual-flip-manual-flip combos to up your multiplier. Secret DVD Location ------------------- The DVD is found in the room above the HP. Ollie through this room to get it. The Rest -------- The rest is easy to find, particularly with the map. Note that you'll have to wallride to ollie high enough to get the last shipping manifest. This is right by where the letter E is. Warehouse Projectives --------------------- Sickest Score (200,000) $300 Collect C-O-M-B-O $200 Collect 8 Skateboards $250 Land a 50,000 Combo $150 Boneless The Magic Bum 3x $100 There's little to say here. A 50k-point combo should be cake by now and the skateboards and bum locations are on the map. C-O-M-B-O is somewhat straightforward. Good luck! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3b: School II Guide =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I was always a fan of the first school level, but the second gained great notoriety when it appeared in THPS2. Like the Warehouse before it, the stage appeared again in THUG. Its lack of HPs is made up by a cool, hidden gymnasium and another small hidden area. Open The Gymnasium ------------------ In order to open the hidden gym area you will want to first get to the Roll Call! Opunsezmee rail. You can look this up on your map or just follow the path to the right down the ramp, around the building and to the right. This is a long, kinked rail that goes down two sets of stairs. You need to grind this whole rail. However, you also must do this at a certain time. You must grind the whole rail (to receive the transfer) between 1:44 and 1:40 on the clock. There will be bells that ring indicating the start and end time. If you've done this correctly, a little blue star will flash at the bottom of the screen. The gym itself is rather barren. It contains a cool pool and you'll need to visit this area to get all the transfers (including the cool diving board transfers). It's worth noting, once you open the gym, it remains open even after you end your run and restart. However, it only remains open for that skater. You'll have to open the gym for each skater. School II Objectives -------------------- High Score (15,000) $200 Pro Score (40,000) $350 Sick Score (100,000) $500 Find The Secret DVD $400 Collect S-K-A-T-E $500 Collect 5 Hall Passes $400 Grind 3 Roll Call Rails $350 Kickflip TC's Roof Gap $500 Wall Ride 5 Bells $500 100% Goals And Cash $500 Secret DVD Location ------------------- This is the second 'hidden' area in the level. This is rather easy to get to once your stats are upped, but may be challenging earlier on. First, go to the courtyard area (where the letter K is) and get air on the QP above which the K floats. As you skate away from this area, you'll want to veer to the right slightly. You'll see some dark skid marks on the ground showing you where you're aiming. If you aim perfectly, you'll dip down and hit a small QP launching you to another area of the stage. It's easy to miss the DVD when you ollie up, and you can't really get back up without doing this all again. However, you'll need to get to this area for the two cash icons as well, so it's not a useless venture even if you miss it! TC's Roof Gap ------------- Skate forward and towards the end of the level (near the letter T) you'll see a pair of trailers. To the left is a ramp. Ollie up to the first and kickflip to the second. Easy breezy. School II Projectives --------------------- Sickest Score (200,000) $500 Collect C-O-M-B-O $400 Collect 8 Skateboards $450 Land a 70,000 Combo $350 Boneless The Magic Bum 3x $300 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3c: The Hangar Guide =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sure, the Hangar is essentially a glorified Warehouse level but I didn't care much! It's fun and you can grind the whole monster around if your skills are honed! This level was later ported to some handheld versions of games but it is a welcome addition to THPSHD complete with two hidden areas! The Hangar Objectives --------------------- High Score (20,000) $500 Pro Score (50,000) $650 Sick Score (150,000) $800 Find The Secret DVD $650 Collect S-K-A-T-E $600 Collect 5 Pilot Wings $700 Nosegrind Over The Pipe $750 Hit 3 Hangtime Gaps $800 Smash 5 Sets Of Barrels $850 100% Goals And Cash $1,000 Secret DVD Location ------------------- You'll roll down to the big HP section of the stage but go over to the left by shattering through the glass. You'll see a helicopter parked between two kickers. Grind the blades of the chopper and it'll take off, busting through the wall. Skate in here for the hidden DVD and a snowy background. Hidden Room ----------- This is impossible to miss while you're getting the pilot wings, but grind the propellor along the wall in the big HP. It'll open a new area. You'll discover four cash icons here. The Hangar Projectives ---------------------- Sickest Score (300,000) $800 Collect C-O-M-B-O $650 Collect 8 Skateboards $700 Land a 95,000 Combo $600 Boneless The Magic Bum 3x $500 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3d: Mall Guide =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I don't know of anyone who thought the Mall was an excellent and well-designed level. It first appeared in the first THPS and was given new life in THAW. Once you're accustomed (re-accustomed?) to it, these objectives are rather manageable. High Score (40,000) $750 Pro Score (100,000) $1,000 Sick Score (200,000) $1,250 Find The Secret DVD $900 Collect S-K-A-T-E $1,100 Collect 5 Videogame Boxes $1,000 Special Trick Over The Huge 16-Set $1,100 Grind 3 Escalators $1,250 Shatter 5 Directories $1,150 100% Goals And Cash $1,500 High Scores ----------- With so many rails and big airs, you should be able to get 200,000 points without too much effort. Secret DVD Location ------------------- The second escalator leads upwards. If you take this (or get there from the first escalator path), you can turn around and grind the right ledge so to ollie up and grind the suspended rails. This is just near the elevator section. Special Trick Over The Huge 16-Set ---------------------------------- The huge 16-stair set is just to the left of the escalator mentioned above. You will see the elevator area straight ahead. Here, you need to do a special trick, not just any normal trick. So, make sure you have a full special meter when trying this. Mall Projectives ---------------- Sickest Score (350,000) $1,300 Collect C-O-M-B-O $1,100 Collect 8 Skateboards $1,200 Land a 100,000 Combo $1,000 Boneless The Magic Bum 3x $900 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3e: Venice Beach Guide =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Venice Beach was another of those iconic additions to the Hawk games when it first appeared in THPS2. Basing this on the real-world location, it became a fan favorite with its graffitti-laden furniture and bum-infested world. This level was also featured in THUG. High Score (50,000) $1,500 Pro Score (150,000) $1,750 Sick Score (250,000) $2,000 Find The Secret DVD $1,350 Collect S-K-A-T-E $1,600 Collect 5 Spray Cans $1,400 Tailslide The Venice Ledge $1,350 Hit 4 VB Transfers $1,600 Olie The Magic Bum 5x $1,450 100% Goals And Cash $2,000 Secret DVD Location ------------------- You can see this floating over the massive center area but actually obtaining the DVD may seem impossible. I'm going to take this description from my original, 12-year old guide. Get to the top of the highest building on the stage. This building is on your left if you skate straight from the beginning. On top of this building there are a few concrete QPs and a kicker as well. You should be able to see the DVD from atop this building. Use one of the QPs to get speed, and boneless of the kicker for some air. Grab the tape. It's worthwhile to mention that you can barely touch the DVD and still get it. Good to know. Ollie The Magic Bum Locations ----------------------------- You can see his locations on the map but he is not in all places at all times. You'll have to plan out your run to get them all. Tailslide The Venice Ledge -------------------------- I hated this objective. First, locate this on your map. If that's still a pain, skate through the middle section and grip the wall to your left. Ollie down the big stair set and use the QP to launch over to this semi-hidden area. There will be a ledge to the left of a short stair set and you'll get the Venice Ledge transfer by completing this. Of course your goal is to tailslide it. A tailslide should be easy enough. Rotate the way so your tail faces the ledge. However, I tried this repeatedly with Riley Hawk on the 360 version and was enfuriated at its difficulty. It'd be easier to actually do my own tailslide on some ledge. Good luck here. VB Transfer Locations --------------------- You can see these on your map but they can be difficult to land properly. Details Coming Soon. Venice Beach Projectives ------------------------ Sickest Score (400,000) $2,000 Collect C-O-M-B-O $1,750 Collect 8 Skateboards $1,850 Land a 200,000 Combo $1,600 Boneless The Magic Bum 3x $1,500 You'll be going for a 500,000 run in Venice for one of the trophies/achievements so this is manageable. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3f: Downhill Jam Guide =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DHJam was one of the first types of stages Neversoft made when creating what would be THPS. These downhill stages were mostly abandoned although this was brought back for THUG2. These levels were not well-received, generally but this one is here complete with its difficult secret DVD location! High Score (75,000) $2,000 Pro Score (150,000) $2,400 Sick Score (300,000) $3,000 Find The Secret DVD $1,850 Collect S-K-A-T-E $2,150 Collect 5 Pipe Wrenches $1,650 Open 5 Valves $1,600 Manual Through 5 Puddles $2,100 Special Trick Over The Giant Grate $1,750 100% Goals And Cash $3,000 Secret DVD Location ------------------- This is classic and so many of us remember doing this over and over back in 1999. As you skate downhill, you'll find the long, narrow HP. Skate up to the right (the letter A is up here). At the end of this platform you'll find a pipe. Grind this and you will want to follow this series of platforms around. Use the first QP to ollie over to the other side of the first gap. Then ollie up to the small platform and continue around to the right. One more ollie to the final area and here you're going to want some speed. At the end, ollie up and try to land/grind the middle rail. The DVD is here. Valve Locations --------------- The first is way up high after the drop-in The second is on the second wedge-shaped kicker. Number three is on the pipe above the long HP. Use the ramp on the left of the stage to ollie up here. The fourth is on top of the highest pillar. The last is the only challenging one to find. At the very end of the stage, the level splits. Skate down the ramp on the left and you'll have to wallride on the right to get up to this valve. It's easy to miss. Downhill Jam Projectives ------------------------ Sickest Score (400,000) $3,000 Collect C-O-M-B-O $2,650 Collect 8 Skateboards $2,800 Land a 165,000 Combo $2,250 Boneless The Magic Bum 3x $2,000 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3g: Marseille Guide =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As the world waited for THPS2, the Marseille level was flaunted in all media and in its demo stage. A recreation of the real-life skate park in France, this was a fan favorite due to its long grind, cool bowl skating and awesome sunset color scheme. While it returned for the collector's edition of THAW, this is the first time it's been made available for the masses in a long time. Marseille Objectives -------------------- High Score (100,000) $2,500 Pro Score (200,000) $3,000 Sick Score (400,000) $4,000 Find The Secret DVD $2,350 Collect S-K-A-T-E $2,750 Collect 5 Competition Medals $2,300 Grab Trick Over The Lil' 4 $2,250 Nosebluntslide 3 Tables $2,500 Destroy 5 Speakers $2,350 100% Goals And Cash $4,000 High Scores ----------- By now you should be pretty good and this 400k high score is not all too difficult to achieve. This level is fantastic, with rails spanning the entire outer perimeter and bowls/QPs everywhere else. Make sure your rail and manual balance stats have been boosted to ensure your combos are killer. Secret DVD Location ------------------- In order to get the secret DVD and the remaining cash, you'll need to open up the hidden area. Back in 2000 this was utterly brilliant. So, from the starting point, skate straight across to the grassy area. There will be a light post on the grass. On one side, you'll see a piece of wood propping up this light post. Break it and the post will fall down, bust open the wall and reveal a new area. Within you'll find the last cash icons and the secret DVD. S-K-A-T-E Locations ------------------- Turn left at the outset and you're going to need to ollie up from the box on the left and wallride up to the ledge above to nab the S. As you jump down, you'll turn right slightly and head for the farthest bowl in the stage. If you've lined this up right, you can ollie right out of the bowl for the K. The A is easily attainable by using the QP directly across from the starting point. The T is in the same area. Ollie out of the bowl area and grab it off the light post. The E is the hardest. This is on the rail suspended over the bowls. Getting this can be tricky, so use the edge of the bowls to gain air and grind this rail. Grab Trick Over The Lil' 4 -------------------------- The Lil' 4 is the 4-stair step across the stage from the starting point. Skate across and you'll see the green steps. Any grab trick here will do. This is a very easy goal. Marseille Projectives --------------------- Sickest Score (500,000) $4,000 Collect C-O-M-B-O $3,350 Collect 8 Skateboards $3,700 Land a 250,000 Combo $3,000 Boneless The Magic Bum 3x $2,800 The projectives here are hefty. A 250,000-point combo is a biggie, but by now your stats should be maxed out. You will want to keep that around-the-stage grind going, upping your multiplier by flatland manual tricks and finishing with a big air trick if you have the speed. The 500k goal isn't too bad. C-O-M-B-O Speaking of grinding around the stage...good luck with keeping your speed here. This can be really challenging, but other times I find it's not too hard at all. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4: Big Head Survival Overview =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This mode doesn't really need too much attention as it's generally straightforward. This may get more difficult for the last two stages as you must keep going for 2 1/2 minutes and onward. You will want to complete all of these in order to unlock the Big Head cheat. Warehouse $100 0'45 $200 1'15 $500 1'45 School II $200 0'55 $350 1'25 $700 1'55 Hangar $400 1'00 $700 1'35 $1,200 2'05 Mall $850 1'05 $1,000 1'45 $1,500 2'15 Venice Beach $1,300 1'15 $1,800 1'55 $2,300 2'25 Downhill Jam $2,000 1'35 $2,400 2'05 $3,000 2'35 Marseille $2,500 1'35 $3,000 2'20 $4,000 3'05 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5: Achievements / Trophies =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- For the Playstation 3, B(ronze) / S(ilver) / G(old) / Plat(inum) For the Xbox360, Gamer Points are listed. B/5 School's Out Unlock School II B/5 Danger Zone Unlock The Hangar B/5 A Mall Rat Unlock Mall S/10 Going Back To Cali Unlock Venice Beach, CA S/10 Da Jam Unlock Downhill Jam S/10 Uh huh, Oui Oui Unlock Marseille, France S/20 This. Is. SKATEBOARDING! Win a match online G/20 Bringing Home The Bacon Unlock Officer Dick G/20 Old School (Warehouse) 200,000 points - No manuals G/20 Manual Master (School II) 15 manuals - 1 combo - Mullen G/35 Gap Skiing (Downhill Jam) Complete the 100 Ski Jump gap G/35 Ain't 'Fraid Of No Ghosts (Hangar) All pellets - 1 combo - Hawkman G/35 The Best, Around (Venice Beach) 500,000 points - 1 run G/35 I Don't Want No 2 Minute Man (Marseille) Combo 30 secs after time ends G/35 Race To The Finish Lines (Mall) Big Head Mode - Reach end of mall 3x G/100 Completist Complete all PROjectives with one character Plat Tony Hawk's PS Master Unlock All Trophies (PS3 Only) The first two sets of trophies/achievements are pretty standard and need no description. Unlock Officer Dick This requires you to 100% Marseille with any character except Tony Hawk. You don't need to 100% the entire career mode. On my PS3 game, I received this when revisiting Marseille after 100% the game with Hawk. I think this was a glitch. Old School: Manuals are indeed the bread-and-butter of THPS2, but a 200,000 point run is not overly difficult. Return to this one once your stats are higher, and couple signature move grinds with a long combo. Manual Master You are going to want to get your Manual Balance and Ollie stats maxed out for this one. In School II, hold down to keep you from moving at all. Then, do quick ollie taps. You will likely have to fix your balance once you get to 10 ollies though every once in a while you get lucky and your balance will be perfect throughout. Getting a rhythm may be key here. Gap Skiing I'm not doing a gap guide here, but this one is hard to miss. Towards the end of the level you'll launch up to a high platform, skate down this and launch out again. Hold a grab move as long as possible and land this to get the trophy/achievement. Ain't 'Fraid Of No Ghosts Follow the instructions to collect pellets in the proper fashion (manual, grind, air) and put together this combo. It can be challenging, but it's also pretty straightforward. The Best, Around Return to this when your stats are maxed and get yourself a good grind special trick. You can get two special grinds if you'd like. The easiest method of getting this is to grind the ledge behind the starting point. Fill your special meter and grind the ledge from one end to the other and back. At the end, ollie out, hit the QP and do a high-scoring trick (special or hold a grab + spin a 720 or higher) Keep going and 500k isn't so bad at all! I Don't Want No 2 Minute Man The worst part about this is waiting for the 2-minute run to end. I don't know if you can do this in Projective mode (1-minute runs) or not. As with any long combo, string together grinds & manuals, keeping your balance the whole way. There's no timer telling you how long you've been skating. Good luck! Race To The Finish Lines The goal here is speed of course, and you should be able to get through the first two loops with no real issue. The third is generally pretty easy, just make sure you don't bail. Three loops for a gold/35GP? Not bad at all! Completist A 100-point Achievement on the 360, you will have to first unlock Projectives mode (100% career mode with one character to unlock his/her projectives.) Then, you have to return and complete ALL projectives for that skater. You can see above that these can be rather difficult. A 250,000-point combo in Marseille, for instance, may be a game-breaker for some people. This will take longer than all of the other trophies/ achievements in THPSHD. Get practicing! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6: Cheats & Unlockables =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I LOVE games that give you cool and fun unlockables and silly cheats. THPSHD doesn't disappoint, offering some fun characters and the return of manual cheats. Awesome. Let's look! 6a: Cheats =-=-=-=-=-=-=- A staple in the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater series, cheats were always a fun way to add replay value and lengthen the gaming experience. As years progressed, games have done away with this, sadly. I'm quite happy a basic set were included in THPSHD. At the character select screen, enter the following button combinations while holding LB (X360) or L2 (PS3). Xbox360 PS3 ------- --- Hold LB Hold L2 Max All Stats Y, X, A Triangle, Square, X Max Money Y, B, A Triangle, Circle, X Unlock All Cheats A, B, Y X, Circle, Triangle Unlock All Game Modes A, Y, B X, Triangle, Circle Unlock All Levels Y, X, B Triangle, Square, Circle Unlock All Skaters Y, B, X Triangle, Circle, Square These will disable saving and all trophy/achievement progress. 6b: Unlockables =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Unlockable Skaters ------------------ Ollie The Magic Bum All PROjective goals on all levels with any skater Officer Dick 100% Marseille with any character except Tony Hawk THPS Tony Hawk All goals on all levels with Tony Hawk in career mode Roberta Modo 100% Hawkman Mode (all levels) with any character Unlockable Cheats ----------------- Ghost Skater Complete 30 goals in a single skater's career Dusty Skater Complete 40 goals in a single skater's career Invisible Skater Complete 50 goals in a single skater's career Slow-Mo Speed Complete 60 goals in a single skater's career Big Head Beat all Big Head Survival scores in each level Perfect Rail Balance Max out the rail balance stat for a single skater Perfect Manual Balance Max out the manual balance stat for a single skater Perfect Lip Trick Balance Max out lip trick balance stat for a single skater For Big Head Mode, you just need to do this with one skater. Misc. Unlockables ----------------- Big Head Survival Mode Unlock the Hangar level Hawkman Mode Unlock the Venice level PROjectives Goals Complete all goals on all levels w/ each skater. Alternate Outfits 100% Marseille with each character Unlock Decks Unlock a new level There is a separate set of PROjective goals for each skater. 100% the game with each to unlock his/her set of PROjectives. Each time you open a new stage, a new deck is available for purchase in the skate shop -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7: Credits =-=-=-=-=-=-=- Having started the basis of what would be the largest Tony Hawk gaming site around (PlanetTonyHawk) in 1999, I was one of the series' biggest supporters. Things obviously have changed, but any supporter of PlanetTonyHawk should be thanked here. Beyond that, thank you to Activision for supporting me supporting them. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 8: Legal Stuff =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This FAQ is copyright (c) 2012, Trevor Esposito (slateman@godflesh.com) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater is copyright (c) 1999-2012, Activision Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD is trademark of Activision. You may not distribute this for profit. You may not edit or alter the contents herein without the permission of the author. Currently, this FAQ may only be hosted at GameFAQs.com. The most current version of this FAQ can always be found here: http://www.slateman.net/faqs/ Hope the FAQ was useful in some form. Good luck and have fun! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=