Mercurial Demo #2 (Spring 2005)This is Mercurial's second demo and is unfinished & unmixed. Mat had left the prior year and we recruited Ali on bass. The lineup was the same otherwise, with Lee on vocals, Tom on guitars and Doug on drums. We had four songs set but only got vocals done on two before Doug left the band. We later got Jamie on drums, and the band turned heavy again, but the two songs here are the lighter stuff. I'll have to dig up the 'instrumentals' as they were good. Here we have There was written by Ali and Tom and is nothing like anything I'd ever see myself playing. It's one progression played three times and that's it. Even unmixed it's got great production, guitarwork, bass lines, vocals, drums; it's pretty sweet. Far Away is really unfinished and features my first solo in the band, albeit a fade-out (cardinal sin!) It was recorded far too slow, we played it 50% faster live, but it's still a nice track. Just never got to putting effects on my guitar (I start the song) and Lee changed his vocals during the final session, something we would've tweaked.
Far Away