Platinums #18 & 19 – Same Day!

double-platinumThe magic should be waning. 19 platinum trophies is a lot but I can still recite the situations in which I secured each. Being that I forgot to pack any games for my Euro move, I’m stuck with the one disc I have for the PS4 (Far Cry Primal). While the Vita is mostly digital, I have one physical game (Zero Time Dilemma). I chugged through each and found myself in a curious situation! One trophy remained on each! So, naturally I tried to platinum two games in one day! ZTD was by no means a difficult game, but like platinuming (is that a verb?) its predecessor, the final hours were fun as the twisted story unfolded. Platinum it was!

Next up was FCP, also not a difficult title in itself. There were few Get 100% of Everything trophies. So, after hunting down some final missions, the platinum popped for that one too!

Edit: Edited
The pic to the left would normally be edited. However, sans a computer am I, and doing everything via café WiFi, such as I am doing this instant, is cumbersome and quite restricting! Best not complain, as I truly do not go without. Nor does anyone with the capability to double platinum on a cool Monday in Europe!

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