The Best TV Shows Ever
This is more of a mental list than a real one, as I can’t necessarily claim this to be 100% valid. This will require some expanded exposition as time goes on. I’ll come back to this and expand upon it, so don’t let this be official.
- Seinfeld
- Breaking Bad
- True Detective (Season 1)
- Fawlty Towers
- Haunting Of Hill House (Season 1)
- Band Of Brothers
- Vikings (Seasons 1-4)
- Game Of Thrones
- The Sopranos
- House Of Cards (Season 1-?)
- Stranger Things (Season 1)
- Fargo (Season 1, 2, 3)
- Monty Python’s Flying Circus
- Narcos (Season 1)
- Sherlock
- South Park?
Notable Entries: Black Mirror, Boardwalk Empire, 24, Mindhunter, Sons Of Anarchy, The Leftovers.
Still To Watch: Mad Men, Rectify, Justified, more?
More to come!