Siamese Mirror Blocks Algorithms

siamese-mirror-blocksI got this one a few months back and was entirely stumped. It’s only the second cube to leave me without a solution completely. (The other is WitEden’s Camouflage 3x3x4 – and I think I broke that one!) Anyways, thanks to MartyWolfman’s marvelous tutorial; I can now solve it! I love cubing but I’m not the most brilliant at coming up with my own algorithms and solutions. For this one, he used a lot of beginner’s method algorithms: something I’d forgotten entirely! For purposes of going back to this puzzle, here are some algorithms and methods of solving. I might need this entry someday!

Inserting Middle Layer

Right + Back
R / U / R / U / R / U’ / R’ / U’ / R’

Right + Front
R’ / U’ / R’ / U’ / R’ / U / R / U / R

Last-Layer Situations

  • If Dot (Algorithm 2x)
  • If L (Place L in F & R)
  • If Bar (Place on L & R)

Turn top 2 layers to the R face = Y
Y’ / R / Y / R / U / R’ / U’ / Y’ / R’ / Y

Then fix BR bottom corner
R’ / U2 / R (to orient)
R’ / U’ / R

Then re-fix middle layer

Orient Last Layer

One top piece last layer facing you on left
R / U / R’ / U / R / U2 / R’

Put proper piece on BR
R / U2 / R’ / U’ / R / U’ / R’

Final Layer Edge-Piece 3-Cycle (correct piece in back)
R / U’ / R / U / R / U / R / U’ / R’ / U’/ R2

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