Having missed Phish's final performance ever, the weekend in mid-August could've been horrendous. However, thanks to some luck and good timing, we met up with a group of cool folks from central Pennsylvania.
In fact, having seen the last 4 Phish festivals and 20 something shows, it turns out that the one festival that I Didn't see ended up being one of the most memorable.
Many thanks to Jack, Patty, Kristin and Jess for making this such an incredible weekend. I won't forget you guys!
I put up full resolution pics of the sunset shots. These are 2048 x 1536 and are about 1Mb each.
I've got super ultra huge resolution versions of all the images above. Those posted here are merely 800x600 (or 6x8) so if you are like me and enjoy high-res shots, email me and I'll get you better versions. Particularly of the sunset pics as they are perfect for wallpapers!