DoDonPachi: Dai-Ou-Jou is the third title in the DDP series and fourth Don Pachi game overall. After letting IGS handle the development of
DoDonPachi 2: Beestorm, Cave returned to create what is one of the most popular shooters of all time.
Dai-Ou-Jou or "Peaceful Death" (translated to "Blissful Death" later, I feel 'Peaceful' is more accurate) went back to recreate the magic of DoDonPachi...literally. This game is a remake of that title, at least in spirit.
Adding to the mix of simply different ships, DOJ adds elemental dolls, each who act differently (shot strength, laser strength, speed, bomb numbers).
DOJ's final boss, as usual, was Hibachi. Reachable by completing two loops of the game (the first, <2 deaths, <3 bombs, bee item perfect in at least 3 levels), some consider this version of Hibachi to be the toughest in the series.