Archive for the Downloads Category

New Bone Fire MP3: 1506

Posted in Blog, Downloads, MP3s, Music on April 10, 2015 by slateman

Should go to bed…maybe a groovy riff? Some layered guitars? Bass is a must! No live drums, I suck. Trusty Alesis SR-16! Mixdown! For what it is, I like it. Enjoy!

Bone Fire: 1506

New Bone Fire MP3: 1505

Posted in Blog, Downloads, MP3s, Music on March 20, 2015 by slateman

This one has been brewing but with manic stresses in life right now, there it sat. Dormant. Whatever. It’s heavy, drop-d tuning. Live, electronic drums again reveal fundamental flaws but I’m happy with the whole lot of it. It gets a bit loud at the end. Hard to contain such excitement! Five tracks before the end of March…this year has been a good one so far!!!

Bone Fire: 1505

New Bone Fire MP3: 1504

Posted in Blog, Downloads, MP3s, Music on February 6, 2015 by slateman

It’s been a few weeks and I had this chuggy idea in my head. I don’t have enough time to really let these riffs get realized so I record them fast. Instead of letting them grow and mature, I just start layering shit on top of it and voila! the best 44 seconds of the day. *sigh*

Whatever. I like this one. I doubled all the guitars, including all the solos so everything is fully panned left/right. Bass was done in one take and drums in two, but you know to expect little from the latter. Whatever. METAL!

Bone Fire: 1504

My King Diamond Tribute

Posted in Blog, Downloads, MP3s, Music on January 6, 2015 by slateman

It is well known that King Diamond is the man. Andy LaRocque, well, he’s the man as well (so you can point that fucking finger up your ass!) Sorry…Tool lyrics there.

Anyways, that duo has created some of the best music ever. In fact, King with both bands may be the greatest musician in history, just judging by the number of top-notch albums…but I digress…again!

With a new guitar in tow, a buddy suggested I re-record some acoustic awesomeness from the ’80s. His suggestion was Drunken Wisdom but I’ve been out of the Overkill loop for some time. This morning, A Visit From The Dead came on random and that was it. Could I pull this off? I am in fact not the man and both Andy and Pete’s guitarwork on Conspiracy are perfect and glorious metal anthems. So, while I can’t possibly live up to that blinding excellence, here’s my poor-man’s ode to King and 1989’s slab of excellence Conspiracy. Busted out in an evening, replete with the normal imperfections that time and love could address…here goes nothing!

Bone Fire: 1503 – A Visit From The Dead (Intro)

New Guitar. New Music. YEAH!

Posted in Blog, Downloads, MP3s, Music on January 4, 2015 by slateman

A nice, routine outing with my wife turned into music store discovery which turned into new gear purchase! I finally offloaded my ever-despised Ovation Celebrity Electric-Acoustic and ended up getting a Guild D-150. This thing is awesome and sounds incredible!

So…of course I have to test it out in recording mode. Now, I had already started recording something new last night and both feature live (electronic) drums by myself! (Translation: They’re pretty poor!) (Follow-Up: I don’t care!) Anyways, the first, aptly titled 1501, is a metal/harmony little tune while the second is just acoustics with electric bass.

Bone Fire: 1501

Bone Fire: 1502

So, I might as well post a pic of my entire guitar collection – which is pretty sick if I might say so myself! \m/!!!

Guitar Collection 2015!

Guitar Collection 2015!

New Bone Fire MP3: MMXIV-VIII

Posted in Blog, Downloads, MP3s, Music on November 23, 2014 by slateman

Ah, just because. For some reason I was in a rough mood this morning, a little agitated. Why not record? Just 30 seconds of metal here. The mix is crap, but I can’t be bothered to tinker any more. Ought to tend to matters, I suppose. So, another snippet. Enjoy!

Bone Fire: MMXIV-VII

New Bone Fire MP3: MMXIV-VII

Posted in Blog, Downloads, MP3s, Music on November 8, 2014 by slateman

This is shoddy but it’s my first recording with keyboards. I purchased a MIDI keyboard ages ago but could never get it to work properly. Here’s just a sample from that first session. Just guitars & keys. Enjoy!

Bone Fire: MMXIV-VI

New Bone Fire MP3: MMXIV-VI

Posted in Blog, Downloads, MP3s, Music on October 28, 2014 by slateman

Why not more? A clean guitar this time. This is a short one…nothing special but worthy of a listen, perhaps!!!

Bone Fire: MMXIV-VI

New Bone Fire MP3: MMXIV-V

Posted in Blog, Downloads, MP3s, Music on October 24, 2014 by slateman

This has been a good year! Here’s another metal snippet from the highly-prolific one-man army: BONE FIRE!

Bone Fire: MMXIV-V

New Bone Fire MP3: MMXIV-IV

Posted in Blog, Downloads, MP3s, Music on September 18, 2014 by slateman

I tried to do something bigger this time and record an actual song! There are several sections here and I think it sounds pretty friggin’ heavy. It’s sloppy though, there are a lot of things I’d fix if I had the time. I don’t. Therefore, this will do. Enjoy! MMXIV-IV!

Bone Fire: MMXIV-IV