I’d been saving for this one for a long while and last Friday was the awesome day. The PS4’s arrival! Now, it’s still an Xmas gift, so it has to be under the tree. That means for the next month I’ll be boxing/unboxing to keep the secret going. It’s all good though. The menus are blazing fast, the hardware is sexy as shit and the games are…well, launch games…but I’m quite enjoying Resogun. Still can’t believe we’re at the fourth iteration of the Playstation brand. Now, for them to add DNLA. Excluding that’s ridiculous IMO. Digging this purchase definitely. \m/
Archive for November, 2013
Did Someone Say PS4?
Posted in Blog, Games, Hardware on November 22, 2013 by slatemanCastlevania: Mirror of Fate HD
Posted in Blog, Castlevania, Games, Reviews with tags Castlevania on November 22, 2013 by slatemanThis $15 title was about perfect…for $15. Had I paid full price on the NDS, I may have been upset. However, the quick jaunt through the title was fun, and appropriately priced.
The Good
The music was pretty cool. It was moody, we didn’t get any Vampire Killer tunes and that’s OK. It was different. The story was a bit strange, and at first, I couldn’t figure out WTF happened at the end. However, SPOILERS! Trevor turning out to be Alucard was a pretty awesome take on this non-canon side-story.
The So-So
The game’s combat was pretty weak. I actually preferred exploring the castle over actually fighting. Some of the platforming was ok at best.
Overall, it wasn’t the best Castlevania, nowhere near it. In actuality, it may have been one of the worst but I’m still glad I played it. It’s made me interested in Lords of Shadow 2 and made me wish I never lost my first LoS save game. After getting 100% w/ Simon, Alucard & Trevor though; I’ll likely never touch this game again. :) That’s OK. It was fun while it lasted.
New Bone Fire MP3: Thirteen VI
Posted in Blog, Downloads, MP3s, Music on November 22, 2013 by slatemanSix recordings this year? Remarkable. This was a fun one and it sounds heavy. This was just an excuse to record; I like the results. That’s all there is to say!
[jwplayer mediaid=”1485″]