Usually I split this into two postings, but alas! it’s already 2019. Today’s update will include the games I’ve played over the last year as well as the easy choice as to which was the best. The latter will be detailed on my main Games Of The Year page. I’ll separate all this into individual sections. First – Platinums! Bold words indicate a 2018 title.
Platinums 2018
- Bloodborne
- Burly Men At Sea
- Castlevania: Requiem
- God Of War
- Guacamelee! 2
- Lara Croft Go
Two of the PS4’s greatest exclusive games were conquered this past year. Bloodborne stays with me and I now consider it one of the greatest games ever made. That’s a different list I’ve been mulling over. I’ve written about some of the rest of these already. Moving on…

Older Titles Played in 2018
These will fall into three categories:
- First-time plays (not completed)
- First-time played/beaten
- Beaten again
Here we have a mix. Some are simple PS+ games, others are purchases I never cared to complete, etc. A key for easy reference is listed above.
- Assassin’s Creed Origins
- Bloodborne
- Burly Men At Sea
- Call Of Duty: WWII
- Dark Souls III
- Fe
- Firewatch
- God Of War: Chains Of Olympus
- God Of War: Ghost Of Sparta
- God Of War: Ascension
- Grand Theft Auto V
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
- Lara Croft Go
- Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2
- Matterfall
- Metal Gear Solid 2
- Nioh
- Rayman Legends
- Resident Evil 4
- Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter
- Sky Force Anniversary
- Ys VIII: Lacrimosa Of Dana
Due to Gothenburg’s wonderful library system, I got to borrow some pretty cool titles this past year. I quite enjoyed AC:O – would like to return to it and would also love to try its sequel. Similarly, Nioh seemed cool and I’m still chugging through Sherlock Holmes though it didn’t really inspire me like its predecessor.
Many others I tried and never really felt inspired enough to finish. Dark Souls III was fucking difficult (I later tried DS Remastered and fared better). Matterfall was a huge disappointment, particularly after Nex Machina. After beating the PS3 remasters of the two PSP God Of War games, I figured I’d try out Ascension again. And again I lost interest. Firewatch, Fe, Rayman Legends – all just hit the ‘meh’ button and never beckoned me to return.
On the other hand, a few older titles were memorable. The aforementioned Bloodborne, those two GOW games and finally beating GTAV were some of the highlights of the year. Toss on yet another replay of RE4 and my second playthrough of the underwhelming MGS2 and old titles impressed in 2018.

2018 Titles
Once again we have categories: played, beaten and platinumed, despite the redundancy of that last item.
- Bloodstained: Curse Of The Moon
- Burnout Paradise Remastered
- Castlevania: Requiem
- Chasm
- Dark Souls Remastered
- God Of War
- Guacamelee! 2
- Hollow Knight
- Ikaruga
- Iconoclasts
- Just Cause 4
- Onrush
- Overcooked 2
- Red Dead Redemption 2
- Shadow Of The Tomb Raider (Started in 2019)
- Spider-Man
- Spyro The Dragon: Reignited (2019 plat!)
- Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
- Yoku’s Island Express (2019 plat!)
I haven’t been nearly as interested in some of these titles as I had hoped I would. I sold back RDR2 b/c I simply has zero interest in playing it. Spider-Man was probably a great game, but I didn’t feel the itch to play that either. I never beat Bloodstained and found Hollow Knight to be far less enjoyable than all the praise suggested. Just Cause 4 looks better than 3, but in so many other ways it felt like a step backwards. I’m not even listing some titles like PS+ games that I played and deleted here.
Burnout Paradise drew me back in just as it did a decade ago, Guacamelee! 2 was a fun and challenging romp but was marred by a few incredibly-difficult parts and I don’t think I’d ever go back to play it again. The first on the other hand…I would. And did! Overcooked 2 was great, but my wife and I devoured it and never touched it again. I’ve just started Yoku’s Island Express and will be finishing up JC4 in the coming weeks/months.

So, what we’re left with is the clear and easy victor. While I thought RDR2 might challenge the mighty Kratos, it didn’t even come close. God Of War’s story, gameplay, visual luster, deep and engaging lore and simple fun factor was leagues beyond anything else I played in the year (Well, Bloodborne may have the edge, I don’t know). I still haven’t a clue how Sony Santa Monica pulled it off. They took this beloved series, reinvented so much of it and made us all care about this one-dimensional killing machine. Being a father while playing it surely helped. This game is fucking legendary already and I look forward to diving in again when things slow down a bit.

Game Of The Year 2018 is an easy choice. God Of War. Now, my New IP GOTY? I don’t know that yet. Based on the limited titles I’ve played, Yoku’s Island Express wins, but that’s temporary. I feel Dead Cells or Celeste might take that crown, however, I haven’t had the opportunity to try them out yet. Let’s see what I missed below.
2018 Titles I Haven’t/Want To Play
- A Way Out
- Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
- Celeste
- Darksiders III
- Dead Cells
- Detroit: Become Human
- Divinity: Original Sin 2
- Far Cry 5
- Mega Man 11
- Shadow Of The Colossus
- Tetris Effect
There are a few games I genuinely want to try out here. Unlike music, it’s not so easy to just try out everything you like and are interested in. A Way Out would be great…with a friend. Odyssey will require many hours, but I bet it’s a blast and quite the quick-and-easy opposite of something like Red Dead. Others on this list are a ‘kinda want to try’.
But the ones I must one day play: Dead Cells and Celeste. Both seem right up my alley and I think I’d just love them. They could be that coveted New IP GOTY. But…they’re a bit expensive for indie titles and I’ve been awaiting a sale to dip my toes in. Can’t wait to try them though!