Archive for June, 2016

5×5 Edge Parity Algorithm

Posted in Algorithms, Blog, Cubing on June 7, 2016 by slateman

5x5-parityI love me those odd-numbered cubes. Those even-numbered ones are a PITA sometimes and their parity is obnoxious. However, a nice 5×5 is a relaxing, fun jaunt. And relaxing is the word to use…as it’s not difficult and there’s only this parity to know. It’s an easy algorithm but I’d forgotten it along the way. Muscle memory only goes so far when you haven’t used it in a year plus. Here’s a quick-to-look-up algorithm. Placing the mismatched singletons on the right just do the following algorithm for an easy fix!

(Ll)’ / U2 / (Ll)’ / U2
F2 / (Ll)’ / F2 / (Rr)
U2 / (Rr)’ / U2 / (Ll)2