In celebration of resurrecting this site after I accidentally killed it, here’s Morrigan from her Vampire Hunter / Night Warriors OVA appearance. This was drawn by Masashi Ikeda and is utterly phenomenal. That’s all for today.
Archive for Darkstalkers
Morrigan: Vampire Hunter OVA
Posted in Artwork, Best / Worst, Blog, Game Art with tags Darkstalkers on January 7, 2020 by slatemanVampire Resurrection DLC: You’re Kidding…Right?
Posted in Best / Worst, Blog, Games with tags Darkstalkers, vampire on March 22, 2013 by slatemanI’ve supported Capcom since day 1. When the jokes about Super Street Fighter Zero Alpha Turbo II X kept coming, I would correct everyone about the Zero series, the differences between incremental updates, etc. And when Super Street Fighter IV came out for a mere $40, I bought that shit quick. Even the on-disc DLC from SFxT was fine by me (I didn’t buy it). And while I will not be buying the new Vampire Resurrection DLC, its entire existence is just a joke. For a mere $1 you can buy one of two cabinets or $2 for game rooms. That’s $6 of useless crap. Again, you can’t complain…just don’t buy it. But the fact that this even exists is pathetic. Whatever.
Mini-Review: Darkstalkers: Resurrection – Missing Something
Posted in Best / Worst, Blog, Games, Reviews with tags Darkstalkers, vampire on March 19, 2013 by slatemanI spent an awful lot of time a few months back working on an exhaustive Vampire Savior FAQ and I now will have to update it with Darkstalkers/Vampire Resurrection information. After a little while of testing things out, I have to say…it’s OK. My main concern was the port of Darkstalkers 3 – a game that never truly existed. Sadly, they didn’t take the ‘best of’ idea and include Vampire Savior 2 and Vampire Hunter 2 tweaks. This game appears to play just like the arcade version of VS without the Dark Force changes or the additional three characters. Why this is eludes me. The gameplay is spot-on, of course and all the usual perks are included. You gain points for completing challenges. You use this currency for the Vault – artwork and movies. Fortunately there is some new artwork included here not present in every other version. Unfortunately there is no sound test; this is a pity considering how the soundtracks to these two games may very well be the best Capcom has ever produced. The Japanese game was released in disc format and the first copies came with a bonus soundtrack CD. Sure I already have the soundtrack for VS but it’s just that good! AND, the game definitely features at least one new track – again, a sound test would have rocked.
And then I start doing tutorials/challenges. Now, can someone tell me why back in 1997 Arika was able to do the trial thing right and why now, 16 years later, we’re left with this? First off, there are only five for each character for each game. That still is a lot of challenges, I suppose. Street Fighter EX+A had…was it 15? 20? 25? And, since I’m not a fantastic player, I can’t perform half of them. Morrigan has the same trial for both VH and VS (screw this American naming convention). The same trial? Well, I can’t manage to chain a c.Short->c.Fierce->Darkness Illusion…so that means there are 2 of Morrigan’s 10 challenges. Great.
Now, the entire presentation is amazing. The HD makeover looks phenomenal (the game still looks like it always did) and when you switch from VH to VS, you remain in the last menu. I.e. if you’re about to start a ranked match and you change games, the menu places you in the ranked match area again. Small things like that are great. There’s also an info box giving you details about all the fighters. Developers, if you’re going to do this, please have at least 100 different quotes. I played for 10 minutes and felt like it was repeating already.
Online play was superb, zero problems and GGPO has treated me well with all recent fighters. I suck, so it’s no fun at all getting trounced by Gallon (Talbain) constantly. But, that’s my problem.
There’s a spot for the Playstation Store – so I don’t know what they’re planning on trying to sell us. $15 for this package is indeed good, but I’d be pissed if they asked me to shell out more for anything. Unless it’s the soundtrack – it’s just that good. Then again, I now have this game for the PS1, PS2, PS3, SS, PSP and arcade ROMS – just missing the DC game. I’m not paying anything more for Vampire/Darkstalkers until part four comes out. :)
Vampire Resurrection: Continued!
Posted in Blog, Game Art, Games, Web Design with tags Darkstalkers, vampire on December 25, 2012 by slatemanThree updates in one day? All on Vampire/Darkstalkers? OK! With 40 minutes until Santa arrives, I’m pretty psyched. My wife is going to be psyched about her new iPod and bluetooth headphones. As for me…I don’t know what I’m getting. I think a new video camera is out of the question, and she doesn’t seem to like my cubing obsession (such a strong word!) We’ll see in about 8 hours! Until then, the last set of Vampire Resurrection art has come out and it’s pretty sweet. This finishes the gallery and is one of the strongest sets of art Capcom has put out in a long time. Check it all out and here’s your sample…

Vampire Savior: System Guide / FAQ
Posted in Blog, Games, Guides with tags Darkstalkers, vampire on December 24, 2012 by slateman
OK, I’m done. This is the longest I’ve ever labored on a guide in my 12+ years of writing FAQs. It all started about a month ago when I began researching and testing out my old games to see what precisely the difference between Vampire Savior, Vampire Savior 2 and Vampire Hunter 2 was. I was updating SFGalleries to include the Vampire/Darkstalkers games and realized I was a little confused. In looking through guides and FAQs, I could not find a very clear explanation about specifically what the difference was! Adding to the confusion was the unique history of all the game’s ports. As you’ll read (if you have interest), the release history goes as follows (Japanese releases unless underlined)
- Vampire Savior (Arcade)
- Vampire Hunter 2 (Arcade)
- Vampire Savior 2 (Arcade)
- Vampire Savior (Saturn)
- Vampire Savior: EX Edition (PS1)
- Darkstalkers 3 (PS1)
- Vampire Chronicle: For Matching Service (DC)
- Vampire Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (PSP)
- Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (PSP)
- Vampire: Darkstalkers Collection (PS2)
- Vampire Resurrection (PS3/X360)
- Darkstalkers Resurrection (PS3/X360)
Now, the last two aren’t out yet, but I fully intend to cover them when they arrive in March. Until then, enjoy the vast, sprawling Systems Guide. It should answer any question that exists in regards to that the differences are and which system port is the best. It was a fun guide to write and, as I mention in there, the worst part was having to wait to finish/publish it. Enjoy!!!
Vampire Savior: Complete Collection
Posted in Blog, Game Art, Games with tags Darkstalkers, vampire on December 24, 2012 by slatemanThis blog has been quiet the last few weeks but I have been working hard on something new. I’m going to be posting my complete Vampire Savior FAQ shortly and I’m very excited to finally publish this. It’s been a long journey but for now here is the complete logo collection: something I need to get published properly over at SFGalleries. In any event, my guide will cover all the following titles:

That’s right…one guide to cover them all!
SFGalleries: New Vampire/Darkstalkers Art
Posted in Game Art, Games, Street Fighter, Web Design with tags Darkstalkers on December 2, 2012 by slatemanI’ve been doing research for a potential FAQ on the Vampire / Darkstalkers series. As I work on this, I decided to put some more effort into the series’ entries on SFGalleries. As I continue to work on that guide, I updated the site with the new character art for
Vampire / Darkstalkers Resurrection, due in March. The new gallery, which is only half complete so far, is spectacular. I’ll toss some samples below. I’ll continue to update this as Capcom Japan posts new art. Enjoy!!!