Archive for the Game Art Category

Metal Gear Solid: Just Because

Posted in Blog, Game Art, Games, Metal Gear Solid on June 23, 2012 by slateman


In tinkering with my old PSP save games (read more above) I came across a save game from the Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel. I never made it through the thing (didn’t pay for it, no big loss) but the save game snapshot was this one. This is classic Snake vs. Grey Fox and it’s sheer awesomeness. OK. Quick post. That’s all. I’m out.

Diablo III Artwork

Posted in Game Art, Games with tags on May 1, 2012 by slateman

These were posted over at the official Diablo III site ages ago. However, with the game coming out shortly, I figured I’d toss up my favorites at the über-sexy res of 1920×1200. I doubt I’ll ever really play the game. The beta was cool, but full price? Unlikely…

Diablo III Wallpapers

SFG Update: SFxT Avatars

Posted in Game Art, Games, Street Fighter, Web Design on March 13, 2012 by slateman

Two images are presented below (Gouki & Poison), but I’ve tossed the rest of them up as my 90th gallery over at I’m fairly certain that site is 10 years old this year, at least the structure of it is. Crazy…

Game Art: Magna Carta (Playstation 2)

Posted in Game Art, Games on February 25, 2012 by slateman

I never played Magna Carta on the PS2. Turns out there were a few handheld games and a sequel on the 360. Somewhere on my hard drive I had a few images from the artwork of the original game. I must’ve liked them. They’re dated October of 2005, so they’ve just been sitting there for 6+ years. Enjoy!

Magna CartaMagna CartaMagna Carta

Magna Carta

DoDon Pachi: Dai-Fukkatsu…Soon!

Posted in DoDon Pachi, Game Art, Games with tags on February 21, 2012 by slateman


Lots of posts today, catching up…

So, I’m waiting on DoDon Pachi: Dai-Fukkatsu. It should be here any day now. It was released in May of 2008 and I’ve been waiting ever since. While I have low expectations (It’ll never match DDP:DOJ, let’s face it), I don’t care. It’s DDP. More when I get it!

Edit: Still waiting!!!

Edit: STILL WAITING!!! (shipped the 5th)

Skyrim Logo

Posted in Game Art, Games, Skyrim with tags , on February 21, 2012 by slateman

Just because it’s awesome…



And…Just because she’s gone…forever. :(

Lydia...I'm still sad.

Lydia...I'm still sad...

A Post For Post’s Sake…

Posted in Game Art, Games, Street Fighter on February 20, 2012 by slateman

I had this hanging on my wall back in college. Definitely some of my favorite artwork. The best art from the best SF!

The Best SF Ever

SFZ2 Poster