Archive for the Borderlands Category

Games I’ve Beaten – 2012 Edition

Posted in Best / Worst, Blog, Borderlands, Games, Lists, Portal, Resident Evil, Skyrim, Street Fighter, Uncharted with tags on September 4, 2012 by slateman

After a few rough weeks, I’m glad to be back posting stuff here, even if no one reads this blog. I was thinking about the games I’ve completed this year and thought I’d write a few notes about them. How many have I finished? Well, these should be broken down into retail games and PSN games. Don’t think I got anything new on the 360, so that’s PSN and not XBL.

GameFly tells me I’ve rented the following this year:

  1. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (later purchased)
  2. F.E.A.R. 3
  3. Street Fighter X Tekken
  4. Portal 2
  5. Uncharted: Golden Abyss
  6. SSX
  7. Sniper Elite V2
  8. Rayman Origins
  9. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
  10. Binary Domain

Not a bad list and it really justifies the GameFly fee, seeing as how I’d not have purchased most of those. Of the 10 titles GF sent me over the course of 8 months, I only completed 4. But that’s not really bad seeing as how SFxT can’t truly be finished and my PS3 died before I could complete the fun Sniper Elite.

In addition, my friend and I love coop games, but both Ghost Recon and Binary Domain aren’t what we’re looking for (gotta pay for one, no campaign coop in the other), so I wouldn’t count either of those.

This leaves F.E.A.R. 3 which, by all measures, was pretty much crap. SSX just was absurd and I didn’t play that long before shipping that one back. It lost all the charm the old games had. Now, Skyrim is a big one, and I quite enjoyed what I played but I have yet to complete the campaign despite dumping scores of hours into it.

The games that I count are Rayman Origins which was a pleasurable platformer replete with collectibles and tons of replay value. Had I not been on vacation in the middle of nowhere (which is why I got the game to begin with, really), I would’ve written more about it. The handheld Uncharted was largely a success. In fact, it’s the best-looking handheld game I’ve ever played and it felt like Uncharted, itself a success!

Finally we have Portal 2. I’ve said it before and won’t hesitate to repeat itPortal 2 is one of the most brilliant achievements in gaming history. Ingenious and clever and…well, no reason to do this again.

Now to PSN games. It looks like I’ve played the following this year:

  1. Outland
  2. Journey
  3. The Mysteries Of Little Riddle
  4. The Walking Dead (Episodes 1-3)
  5. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD

I figured I must’ve beaten more than that…but I guess not. I’ve already professed my love for that game. As for Journey, I wasn’t entirely sure what I thought of it. The Little Riddle game was something fun to play with my wife, and The Walking Dead games…well, just read below. Playing through the three episodes was one of the of the most enticing gaming experiences ever.

I played, but haven’t finished:

  1. Batman: Arkham Asylum
  2. Just Cause 2 (PS3 died, lost save game)
  3. Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One (same)
  4. Lara Croft & The Guardian Of Light (same)
  5. Rochard

I’d like to get back to Rochard. Batman…I didn’t love that as much as everyone suggested I would.

Verdict: So…let’s face it…the reason for this article was to figure out what the best game was that I completed. Well, first off, Borderlands 2 comes out in two weeks and Resident Evil 6 in four. Those could very well be high up on my list, but from what I’ve done so far, Uncharted, The Walking Dead were the highlights. Rayman and Outland were fun, visually-impressive titles, but Portal 2 was the best.

Let’s see how BL2 and RE6 fare against such a juggernaut!


Posted in Blog, Borderlands, Games, Guides, Resident Evil, Tony Hawk Series with tags , on September 1, 2012 by slateman

The days of THPS are long gone, but with the release of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD, I have to admit an excitement about the Hawk series not felt for the better part of a decade. Now, let’s not be hasty here, this isn’t pee-your-pants excitement like I’m feeling for Borderlands 2 and Resident Evil 6. Just sayin’. Anyways, I got a review copy of the game for both the PS3 and the Xbox360 and have gone through it mostly with the former. Of course, given my history with the game, I had to write a guide for it! Thus, we have my new THPSHD FAQ. I love writing guides so this was fun. Kinda looking forward to the THPS3 DLC.

Mini-Review: Outland – I Love This Game…

Posted in Blog, Borderlands, Castlevania, Games, Resident Evil, Reviews with tags , on August 18, 2012 by slateman

I think it was last year when I picked up Outland on the Xbox360. It was probably when my PS3 was dead and I needed something new to play. Of course, I LOVE Ikaruga, in fact, I have a section of one of my sites devoted to it. This game is an action/adventure homage to the excellent title and I love it.

Now, my Xbox360 doesn’t receive as much love as it used to. I don’t know why we all have our favorites but I much prefer the PS3 and its interface than Microsoft’s offering. Most of my gaming hours are spent on Sony’s platform and now that Outland was free for PS+ subscribers, why not nab this game again?

So, with brilliant Ikaruga-style mechanics, awesome visuals and a cool soundtrack, this game is a lot of fun to play. It’s not overly difficult, but boss battles can be very tough. I would love to find a complete set of artwork for Outland as it’s just marvelous. The color schemes, the details in the background, animations, enemies and most of all, bosses, all look spectacular and are deserving of their own art book or online gallery.

The gameplay is equally fantastic. It brings the aforementioned polarity to match the progress-and-return 2D method of Castlevania/Metroid/Shadow Complex. I love these types of games. I’m always eager to go back and collect what I missed, aiming for 100% whenever I can (or 200% in the case of the brilliant Symphony Of The Night!)

So, I should really just play the 360 game rather than going back to repeat all this. But it’s just so fun, I don’t mind. Will I finish the whole thing? Perhaps…but it’s definitely entertaining while it lasts! (i.e. until Borderlands 2 and Resident Evil 6 come out to consume all my time!)

PS3 Re-Everything Log: Day #4

Posted in Blog, Borderlands, Games, Street Fighter on July 31, 2012 by slateman

As I got up this morning, several downloads were done. I queued up several more and patched some. This morning’s updates:

4 Elements HD – 169Mb
Burn Zombie Burn – 165Mb
Costume Quest – 386Mb
Journey – 589Mb
Marvel Pinball – 272Mb
NBA Jam Demo – 859Mb
PixelJunk SideScroller – 83Mb
Resident Evil 4 – 3.4Gb
Rochard – 1.3Gb
The Simpsons – 21Mb
Tomb Raider and the Guardian of Light – 2.3Gb
Trine – 355Mb
Trine 2 – 1.1Gb

Braid – 240Mb
Cuboid – 20-something Mb
Plants Vs. Zombies – 12Mb
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare – 20Mb
Resident Evil 5 – 168Mb
SF3:OE – 18Mb
Tetris – 70Mb

Little Big Planet Patch Sizes
57 / 189 / 22 / 23 / 53 / 113 / 58 / 17 / 19 / 23 / 25 / 82 / 6

Little Big Planet 2 Patch Sizes
7 / 13 / 13 / 12 / 93 / 568 / 19 / 19 / 23 / 173 / 68 / 45 / 51 / 51 / 50

Wait…WHAT? Yep. 13 separate updates for my beloved LBP and 15 for LBP2. They total (umm…carry the 4)…Well, only 687Mb for the first and 1.2Gb for the second. This is absurd. Another 2Gb between two games right there. Oh, plus installations for each. Those total 3Gb of HDD space.

Then you have installations of Skate 2 and Skate 3 from yesterday. Today had a nice 6Gb installation of RE5 and RDR: UN (2.4Gb).

And let us not forget, the General Knoxx DLC, all 1.7Gb of it, was corrupt. Re-downloaded the re-download!!!

My PS3 froze during Tetris. That always makes me nervous.

Now, I went forward and grabbed the Dyad demo and was nabbing one more when I gave up. I won’t count those though. They’re not part of the re-install. I’ll round it off to about 15Gb of data transfer today alone (not including 1.3Gb for Dyad. I’m going to pause for a few minutes and actually PLAY something before turning in. Tomorrow won’t be as active as today.

PS3 Updates: Still Going!

Posted in Blog, Borderlands, Games, Street Fighter on July 30, 2012 by slateman

I’ll have to say that this is going more quickly than I had anticipated. Now, first off, it’s still summer vacation and I don’t have to work. Second, I got this all started on a Saturday night, so I benefited from a low-traffic summer Sunday and Monday morning. However, I did patch about half of my retail games and caught up on PSN games and DLC rather well. As I mentioned yesterday, the downloads just get bigger though as time goes on. I downloaded Infamous which was a 7Gb file. Newer games, PS+ games, etc all increase. But, my speed is fantastic! I just got the Borderlands: Zombie Island DLC (just under a gig) in half an hour, and that was with my router crapping out for a part of it. Claptrap Revolution is next, 1.36Gb and I’m starting at 9:15. Let’s see how this one goes!

@10am, the download was finished and both DLCs installed. This isn’t that bad!

@1pm, I queued up some more. Starting to get big. Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes is 1.6Gb. Street Fighter III is 620Mb. BloodRayne: Betrayal is just under a gig and the two Super Street Fighter IV updates total 1.9Gb. That’s almost 5Gb right there. My network has slowed down it seems, but while I plan on just letting this run, I expect it to take some time. Overnight and early morning seem the best times to update this stuff.

@1:38: Might & Magic done. 1.6Gb in <40 minutes? Cannot complain!!!
@1:53: SFIII done. 620Mb in 15 minutes
@1:55: Plants Vs. Zombies done. 90Mb in 2 minutes

New PS3: Reformat / Re-Download / Re-Install.

Posted in Best / Worst, Blog, Borderlands, Games, Skyrim, Street Fighter with tags , on July 29, 2012 by slateman

As I’ve now managed to kill two original fat PS3s in a little over 15 months, I’m stuck with the arduous and painfully-long process of redoing everything. Last night, I tossed firmware 4.21 on a flash drive and formatted my awesome 320Gb drive full of everything I loved. All my games, patches and many of my save games are lost forever. Oh yeah…again!

So, last night, around 11pm, I started doing it all. I queued up my old downloads, things I grabbed back in 2008 or so. Overnight, my PS+ auto updater finished those and synched my trophies. I later grabbed whatever save games I had backed up online. This morning, I started grabbing bigger games. Söldner-X and its sequel tallied about 2Gb. Things are going to get big soon.

The next step, (well, I’m still in my 2009 downloads, mostly) will be to plug in each game disc and start it up, downloading patches along the way. The game that killed my system (it was a coincidence), Arkham Asylum, is a Game of the Year edition, so fortunately everything was there. However, about 275Mb went to Brütal Legend, a game I will likely never get around to. I’m going to need to grab the three Borderlands DLCs I purchased and I fear Skyrim will be large as well. How big was Arcade Edition for Super Street Fighter IV again?

Ultimately, all games are dwarfed by Burnout Paradise and Heavy Rain. The former has a series of seven updates. I know this because I did this reformat/re-download/re-install nonsense just last June. As I write this, I’m just finishing up the first of those seven updates. You know, the 385Mb one. That is followed by a 154Mb update. Then, just five more after that.

I can’t recall the precise size (turns out it’s 1.15Gb) but huge is the Heavy Rain update that included the much-sought-after Move controls (/sarcasm). I always wanted to go back to that game. The problem with these updates is that I can’t let them go overnight. I have to sit there and let them run. I’ve got a good connection, but a gig is still a gig of waiting. And better yet is when you download a big PSN title, install it, boot the sucker up just to find out a patch larger than the original install is waiting for you.

Burnout’s third patch was only 35Mb; its fourth a meaty 250.

I should’ve just gotten a slim last spring when my original launch model died. And I shouldn’t complain too much, as I have a functional PS3 here, a nice 320Gb drive, a good connection and a Sunday where traffic is always faster than weekdays. Note to self…Back your shit up next time. This is your fault.

Burnout Patch Updates:
Patch #5 – 133Mb
Patch #6 – 176Mb
Patch #7 – 413Mb
Burnout Paradise Total Patch Size = 1.26Gb

Oh, and before I sign off here, I really wonder/fear how this will all work in 10 years. I can still play any PS1 or PS2 game I own, any NES or SNES game. Not being able to play your stuff or missing out b/c of patches is just going to be strange. Will there even be a PSN? I LOVE me my PS3 as you should know…but how things are going really bothers me. Knowing my copy of Final Fight on the PSN won’t let me play it at all w/out being connected is insane. And don’t get me going on digital distribution. I don’t like it and that’s not gonna change.

Games To Come: Aug / Sept / Oct

Posted in Blog, Borderlands, Games, Resident Evil with tags , on June 24, 2012 by slateman

July will be the last quiet month as after this we are looking at some big games coming out. I’m pretty psyched actually. All are sequels and all are promising. Let’s take a look!

14 August, 2012 – Darksiders II

I’m a big fan of Joe Madureira and so the first Darksiders was right up my alley. God Of War meets Zelda with the best art style in the world! Now, I rented the game and it took me a good while to get through it. I’ll admit some parts dragged a bit. It was good enough to warrant a sequel (albeit, not quite what I was hoping (4-player coop???!!)) and so that sequel will be played in less than two months! I love me some action-rpg games and with the cool setting, art style and GOW-inspired gameplay, sign me up! This should be a pretty cool game. I’ll likely GameFly this one unlike the next two, I know, I should be supporting the developers more. However, with Borderlands 2 and Resident Evil 6, sequels to two of my favorite games of this generation on the horizon, I cannot afford to purchase all three this autumn!

18th September, 2012 – Borderlands 2

All Borderlands 2 has to do is be as good as the first. That’s it. If they can manage to do that, I’m going to love this game to deth. (get the reference?) Honestly, after losing my level-40 save game, I went back, started anew, beat the game again, started a second quest, completed two DLCs and got through half of Claptrap to platinum the game. I LOVED Borderlands. It was so different, so fresh, so brutal, so fun. I already mentioned its trailer is the best trailer ever. To get ahead of myself, a BL3 will have a lot to do to trump these two games, but for now, just match the first and I’ll buy the disc and all the DLC without any question at all. That’s saying something.

2nd October, 2012 – Resident Evil 6

Now, if Borderlands is all it can be, I should still be playing that mammoth when RE6 drops a mere two weeks later. That’s OK, b/c while I may love me some Borderlands, Resident Evil is the fucking shit as well. Having played the game and its variations since the series’ inception, I absolutely loved RE4 and RE5. How much? Oh, that’s simple. I beat RE4 on the GC twice, tinkered with the PS2 version, then beat it on the Wii and then bought the HD remake on the PS3. Yeah, that much. Oh, RE5? I 60-hour platinumed that mother on the PS3, then went back and beat it on the Xbox360. Then I lost my save data and went back to play through more on the PS3. It was that good IMO. So…to say RE6 has the most to live up to is an understatement. First and foremost I plan on playing the shit out of it coop, getting all the collectibles (in-game, not limited-edition jacket nonsense). Everything points to this being a great game…but we know how expectations can be crap sometimes. I’m hoping it’s the bomb and plan on buying this day 1. Please don’t let me down Capcom

Borderlands 2 Trailer: The Best Trailer Ever?!

Posted in Blog, Borderlands, Games, Video on March 24, 2012 by slateman

I love Borderlands. I reached level 41 before losing my save game and then got to level 57 on a subsequent playthrough (well, more than one). Its DLC is incredible, the gameplay is superb and the second game is coming. This is going to be exciting.

I have to admit that I’m a bit skeptical. Can BL2 REALLY be as good? This is a tough one to ponder. However, after watching the video below…I don’t doubt any more. If this game can manage to be bad, then this trailer was even more effective. As is, I watch it and I’m totally pumped. How can you not be?! Oh man, I’m looking forward to this!!!